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LGBTQ Recovery Blog

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5 Ways to Manage Your Anxiety

a woman struggles to manage her anxiety without professional help

Coping with an anxiety disorder can be tough at times. Therapy and medication can help, but what can you do when you feel overwhelmed in the moment? Learning ways to manage anxiety can help you or a loved one feel better and also feel more in control. Understanding more about how to cope with anxiety can also help you feel less worried about what will happen if you start feeling overwhelmed at an inopportune time.

Knowing more about how to deal with an anxiety disorder can also help people whose loved ones are living with these disorders, giving them tools to use in case of an anxiety attack or a moment of stress. Some people benefit most from receiving anxiety treatment, especially if their symptoms are severe. To learn more about LGBTQ+-focused anxiety treatment, contact Pride Institute at 952.934.7554 or online.

What Is Anxiety?

Most people would think of anxiety in terms of bad things – fear, stress, worry, and other such negative emotions. It may surprise you to learn that anxiety is actually based on an ingrained, normal instinct that our brains and bodies use to keep us safe. Being alert to potential danger is a safety mechanism that helps us avoid situations that might lead to injury or stress. Often, this is called “fight, flight, or freeze” and is something that most living creatures do. In the case of anxiety, this instinctual behavior has run amok. People who live with an anxiety disorder are feeling that “fight, flight, or freeze” response even when the situation does not warrant it.

Five Ways to Manage Anxiety in Everyday Life

  1. Take care of your body and mind – It may seem simple, but when you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious, it can be hard to maintain your self-care. Get some exercise, eat a healthy meal, and listen to some of your favorite music. All these little activities can work together to help you feel stable and rejuvenated.
  1. Do things with friends and family – It can be tempting to stay home and isolate yourself when you are feeling anxious, but separating from loved ones only contributes to anxiety. Getting out there and doing an activity with friends or seeing family, even if only for a short time, can help you reconnect with feelings of normalcy and calm.
  1. Stay on your treatment plan – Take your medicines and attend your therapy sessions on schedule, even when you don’t feel like it. Talking to your care providers can help you establish a baseline for what is working and what isn’t and give you an outside opinion on how things are going.
  1. Learn about your condition – Educating yourself about your particular condition can help you understand your experiences more and feel empowered to talk to others about it when you want to. Often, people who have not experienced an anxiety disorder may not understand, but you can help them understand more when you know more.
  1. Use mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation techniques – These techniques can often work well in times of extreme difficulty or when you need something that can help quickly. Simply taking a few minutes to focus on your breathing and check in with how your body feels can help reduce anxiety symptoms.

Pride Institute: Serving the Recovery Care Needs of the LGBTQ+ Community Since 1986

At our treatment centers in Minneapolis and Eden Prairie, Minnesota, our clients have access to programs that have been specifically designed to meet the recovery care needs of the LGBTQ+ community. If you or someone you care about has been struggling with substance use and anxiety, reach out to our caring and compassionate staff today at 952.934.7554 or online and learn how we can help you take the first steps on your path back to health and well-being. Recovery from addiction is possible with the appropriate treatment and support.